Hitch hiking across Tioga

Hitch hiking across Tioga More
Hitch hiking across Tioga Without success


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  • Margot Henny on 2012-May-23 12:02:43 Margot Henny said

    Not that people don't hitch hike - but be careful – as hitch hiking in the USA is illegal in many states. In Canada, it depends on the individual area and highway. The worst place for you to seek a ride, is in a highway 'rest area'. People need to see your face clearly, and as there are two of you travelling, the other person should be visible. Gas stations, toll booths and on ramps to highways are good spots …. As long as you are stationed in an area that has an off area when you can be picked up. Safety is the main reason for all this.
  • Vati on 2012-May-25 19:35:04 Vati said

    So macht ihr das also ...